Trinity Dogma
Errata Data Sheet

Page Para Line Correction
v p24-25 31 "Jesus instructions" should read "Jesus' instructions" 7/23/09  
vii 3 2 "or their churches doctrine" should read "or that of church doctrine" 7/23/09  
x 8 3 Add John 14:28 as a second Scripture proof 7/23/09  
9 Title 2 "Such A The Claim" should read "Such A Claim" 7/23/09 4
14 4 1 "in Jesus" should read "in Jesus' own words," 7/23/09  
39 5 1 "or for yourself" should read "or any likeness of" in Ex 20:4-5 7/23/09  
46-47 Items ----- Scripture citations #1, 6, 7, 9, and 12 are missing an end quote ["]. 7/23/09  
51 4 6 "even thought they said" should read "even though they said" 7/23/09  
54 #136 1 "taught us the God" should read "taught us that God" 7/23/09  
63 4 3 "form Judaism" should read "from Judaism" 7/23/09  
66 Last 4 "often sought" should read "often thought" 7/23/09  
105 2 5 "is not longer" should read "is no longer" 7/23/09  

1. This errata data is for errors found in printed books purchased after July 23, 2009.
2. If you find an error, please use the feedback form to communicate it so we can update this list.
3. Some bibles refer to the book of Psalm in the plural or Psalms as the Douay-Rheims does.
4. An update to the e-Book was made after the above noted input from my friend Linnae.

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